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План-конспект уроку для 5 класу «Види транспорту.» Вживання вищого та найвищого ступенів порівняння

Тема: «Види транспорту.» Вживання вищого та найвищого ступенів порівняння прикметників.

Цілі: Практична: а) удосконалювати навички вживання ступенів порівняння прикметників усному мовленні на рівні фрази;

б) розвивати вміння аудіювати текст, ігноруючи незнайомі слова;

в) активізувати ГС в усному та письмовому мовленні.

Розвиваюча: розвивати фонематичний та інтонаційний слух, розвивати вміння ефективно співпрацювати під час групової роботи.

Загальноосвітня: розширити знання учнів про види транспорту.

Виховна: виховувати культуру спілкування.

Зміст уроку

Етапи, мета, прийоми

Хід уроку

Організація класу.

Мовленнєва зарядка.

Мета: налаштувати на діяльність

Прийоми: активне слухання, відповіді на запитання вчителя.

II Активізація ЛО.

Мета: Активізувати ЛО, вчити вживати в усному мовленні на рівні фрази.

Прийоми: відповіді на запитання, аудіювання тексту.

III Активізація ГС.

Мета: активізувати ГС, навчити вживати на рівні фрази

Прийоми: активне слухання, пояснення за допомогою таблиці, виконання вправ.

IV Пояснення д/з та мотивація оцінок.

Good morning! I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please.

How are you today?

And tell me, please, who is absent today? Does anybody know why?

Who is on duty today? Please, write down the date and classwork on the board.

How do you like today’s weather?

Well, thank you. And now let’s start our work. Today we’ll continue to talk about different means of transport. To repeat our vocabulary, we have to check your home task. Open your workbooks at page 40.

Ex.1, p.40 Circle the odd word out. Then complete the table with the means of transport.

1 bus – ship – boat

2 jeep – van – yacht

3 sled – snowmobile – motorbike

drive a …

sail a …

ride a …


What means of transport do people use in different countries?

Thank you, well done.

Here you can see 3 pictures.

Can you name the words related to each picture? (Taxi rank: taxi driver; airport: flight, plain, delayed, take off; train station: platform, ticket, train, depart)

Now you will hear 3 dialogues which take place in different places. You must understand what the situation and context of each dialogue is.

Ex.6 p. 65

1) A: Excuse me, can you tell me what platform I need for the 6:15 to Manchester?

B: Certainly. It’s platform 3. I think it’s on time but you should check the departures board over there.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You’re welcome/

2) A: Are you waiting too?

B: Yes, but don’t worry, there’ll be a cab along in a minute.

A: OK. Thanks. Do you mind if I ask where you are going?

B: Not at all. I’m going into the city center.

A: So am I. Would you like to share.

B: Yes, why not? It’ll be cheaper.

3) A: Excuse me, can you help me?

B: Certainly.

A: Thank you so much. I’m not wearing my glasses. Can you tell me the check in desk number for BA 234n to London.

B: Er. Yes, desk 45 to 50. But I would hurry up if I were you because the gate number is already on the board.

A: OK. Thank you very much.

Where was the 1/2/3 dialogue?

How did you understand that?

OK. Thanks.

We’ve learnt how comparative and superlative degrees form. Now we’ll see some structures which we also use for comparison.

Look at ex. 7 p. 65. Read the theory. Are there similar structures in our language? Find examples in the text on p.64.

  • We use as to show that two things are the same.

John’s car is as fast as mine.

  • We use too+adj to show that something is more that we want.

It’s too expensive to go on a helicopter tour.

  • We use adj+enough to show that something is as much as we want.

He’s old enough to drive a car.

In ex.2 p. 64 you have to complete the sentences using as…as, too, enough, and the adjectives in brackets.

Write down this exercise independently.

1 The bus was ……………. (crowded). We couldn’t get in.

2 The tour wasn’t …………. (interesting) we expected.

3 This holiday is …………… (cheap) for us to afford. Let’s book our tickets.

4 Dog sledding is ………….. (adventurous) for John, he prefers quiet activities.

5 A rickshaw ride isn’t …………… (expensive) a gondola ride.

6 Let’s go by train. It’s ………….. (fast).

7 This car is ………….. (small) for a family of five.

8 Let’s go by coach. It’s …………… (cheap) going by train.

Let’s check.

Now I want you to divide into 4 groups. I’ll give you some pictures and you have to compare the means of transport with the help of the word from ex. 9 p65. You can use the example.

  • comfortable

  • safe

  • fast

  • expensive

  • slow

  • relaxing

Cars are faster than bicycle. Planes aren’t as comfortable as cars.

OK. That was good. Thank you.

What means of transport is the best for out ecology?

Describe, please, what transport do you use during your vacations?

What transport do you use every day?

Thank you for your work today. Write down, please, your home task WB ex.2 p. 40.

Today you have such marks ….. because…….

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